Video Updated October 2018 Brand New Content!!
This video is focused on the core concepts necessary to begin high performance approaches. It will guide you from straight in through 90 degree turns, and the essential ideas will lead into larger turn approaches as well.
Learning how to perform high speed approaches is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous activities in the sport of skydiving. Hundreds of people are seriously injured in this pursuit each year, and without the key concepts conveyed in this video package, you could be next.
Nearly thirty years of high performance parachute flight and over twenty years of parachute design and testing has provided Brian Germain a unique perspective of the topic of Swooping. As a United States Parachute Association Safety and Training Advisor and Canopy Flight Instructor, Brian has taught these core concepts all over the world, and now you can benefit from his experience.
This is one of the most important videos we have created here at Adventure Wisdom, and we are supremely proud of the way it came together. We believe that if everyone who wants to learn to swoop were to watch this video, with the help of good on-site mentors, there would be far fewer accidents. If you don't own this video, you don't know what you don't know, and you are probably missing out on key ideas that you will need to survive.
4 Hours of Vital Instruction! Download and Streaming
Surviving Swooping Trailer 2 from Adventure Wisdom on Vimeo.